Friday, 10 June 2011

Tracklements Beetroot and Horseradish Relish: Eat it on Everything

 News... Taste Test: Tracklements Beetroot and Horseradish Relish: Eat it on Everything
Since 1970 when William Tullberg couldn’t find any commercially available wholegrain mustard and took it upon himself to produce his own, Tracklements have been creating award-winning condiments in small batches using fresh ingredients.

The latest addition to the range is Beetroot and Horseradish Relish which is based on the traditional Jewish recipe for red chrane and forms part of their seasonal collection.

The combination of sweet, mellow beetroot and poky horseradish works exceptionally well with mature cheeses and also provides a nice foil to oily and smoked fishes. I’m a massive fan of the little purple globes eat as much beetroot as I can; I roast them, I boil them, I eat them with grated garlic and feta in a salad.

But never before had I mixed beetroot with that other noble root, horseradish, and the alchemy created by marrying the red and white roots proved addictive.  I enjoyed this earthy relish repeatedly as an accompaniment to a cheeseboard, in sandwiches with marmalade glazed ham, with roast beef, even straight from the jar on a spoon, staining my mouth and fingers with the deep red jam.

If you’re anything like me, you won’t have it in the cupboard for long. Tracklements Beetroot and Horseradish Relish is available from delicatessens, butchers, farm shops and online from priced at £2.50 for a 220g jar. 

Originally published at The Culinary Guide

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